Why Every Business Should Have a Facebook Page

There are businesses out there who are  reluctant to create a business Facebook page or have neglected theirs for a few years. If that is you, read below for some reasons why a business page is crucial for your company.

4 Reasons why your business should have a Facebook Page

  • 1. Gives Your Business a Personality – A Facebook business page gives you the ability to give your business a personality and develops a sense of community with your followers. This can take the form of posting engaging content ranging from live stories, community groups, photos, events, articles or even the random meme.

    Important Note: Do not confuse a website and a Facebook page. Your Facebook business page is secondary to your website, but should still provide strong value to drive traffic to your website as the main hub. To build a strong brand you need a professional, well designed and maintained website to establish credibility.

  • 2. The Most Popular – Even with the recent privacy issues, Facebook is by far the most popular social media platform. Yes, other platforms are around, but Facebook is still the leader and continues to grow its market share. Millions of people are engaging with content on it each day, and for that reason alone, it is important for your business to stay current and relevant with the trends of social technology.

  • 3. Underpriced Advertising – Right now Facebook Ads are extremely underpriced. Having a well crafted and designed ad will allow you to put your business and services in front of thousands of individuals in your niche. If I may geek out for a moment, these ads allow you to precisely choose the exact audience you wish to reach such as their age, demographic, location, interests, habits and more! Scary, yes, but for a business that is where it counts. Facebook ads allow you to invest your money effectively and target those most likely to engage with your business.

  • 4. Facebook is continually delivering new, exciting, features – Facebook recently released an extension to their Messenger Platform that will help open up a new line of communication on your website. I am excited about this particular feature and you can read more about it in my post found here.

Facebook Business
Kimberly Earp - Facebook Business Page